Results for 'J. J. Jaeger'

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  1.  14
    LXXVIII. Remanent magnetism of some dolerites, basalts and volcanic tuffs from tasmania.Mary Almond, J. A. Clegg & J. C. Jaeger - 1956 - Philosophical Magazine 1 (8):771-782.
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    Lesion analysis of the brain areas involved in language comprehension.N. F. Dronkers, D. P. Wilkins, R. D. Valin, B. B. Redfern & J. J. Jaeger - 2003 - Cognition 92 (1-2):145-177.
  3. A Tale of Two Parts.Andrew J. Jaeger - 2014 - Res Philosophica 91 (3):477-484.
    Joshua Spencer (2010) has recently used the problem of spatial intrinsics in conjunction with the possibility of extended atomic regions of space to argue against the possibility of extended heterogeneous simples. In part 1, I explain Spencer’s argument against the possibility of heterogeneous simples. In part 2, I argue that if his argument is sound, then a parody argument can be constructed showing that heterogeneous composite objects are also impossible. In part 3, I provide an objection to my parody argument. (...)
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    A Stakeholder Approach to the Ethicality of BRIC-firm Managers' Use of Favors.Daniel J. McCarthy, Sheila M. Puffer, Denise R. Dunlap & Alfred M. Jaeger - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 109 (1):27-38.
    This article investigates the use of favors by managers of BRIC firms to accomplish business goals, the ethicality of which should be determined by the moral reasoning in these countries rather than from a developed country perspective. We define a favor as an exchange of outcomes between individuals, typically utilizing one's connections, that is based on a commonly understood cultural tradition, with reciprocity by the receiver typically not being immediate, and its value being less than what would constitute bribery within (...)
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    Back to the Primitive: From Substantial Capacities to Prime Matter.Andrew J. Jaeger - 2014 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 88 (3):381-395.
    We often predicate capacities of substances in such a way so as to modify the way that they exist . However, sometimes a capacity is not for the modification of a substance but for the existence of one. Moreover, we have reason to think that these capacities are just as real as other capacities. If that’s right, then the question arises: if these capacities are real features in the world, what they are real features of? Part I argues that they (...)
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  6. Matter Without Form: The Ontological Status of Christ's Dead Body.Andrew J. Jaeger & Jeremy Sienkiewicz - 2018 - Journal of Analytic Theology 6:131-145.
    In this paper, we provide an account of the ontological status of Christ’s dead body, which remained in the tomb during the three days after his crucifixion. Our account holds that Christ’s dead body – during the time between his death and resurrection – was prime matter without a substantial form. We defend this account by showing how it is metaphysically possible for prime matter to exist in actuality without substantial forms. Our argument turns on the truth of two theses: (...)
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  7. Et Verbum Caro Factum Est: an intro-duction to the philosophical life.Andrew J. Jaeger - 2020 - Communio 47 (3):536-569.
    Being disposed to see the marvelous by moving into the familiar is one of the fundamental philosophical dispositions. The pre-Socratic philosophers—especially Heraclitus—emphasized the needfulness of listening. This is true in two senses: we need to learn to listen, and listening is itself a need for something. The logos in nature can be heard only by one who is “awake.” The problem is that most live as though they were asleep, immersed in their own world. Being in tune with nature opens (...)
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    Ethics as rule systems: The case of genetically engineered organisms.Carlo C. Jaeger & Alois J. Rust - 1994 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 37 (1):65 – 84.
    Like every major new technology, genetic engineering is affecting the hopes and fears of many people. The risks involved are perceived differently by different groups. One group regards genetic engineering as a simple extension of older techniques with no special risks, e.g. traditional breeding. This conservative denial of special risks is confronted with a different kind of conservatism from a group which, in the name of the preservation of nature, opposes any kind of genetic engineering. A third group, rooted in (...)
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  9. Aquinas: Freedom.Andrew J. Jaeger - 2011 - Philosophical Forum 42 (3):282-283.
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    In Defense of Extended Conciliar Christology: A Philosophical Essay. By Timothy Pawl.Andrew J. Jaeger - 2020 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 94 (4):665-667.
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    Where the Conflict Really Lies: Science, Religion, and Naturalism. By Alvin Plantinga. [REVIEW]Andrew J. Jaeger - 2013 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 87 (4):796-799.
  12.  48
    Jaeger, W., Das frühe Christentum und die griechische Bildung. [REVIEW]J. -J. Gavigan - 1964 - Augustinianum 4 (1):233-234.
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    MEMCONS: How Contemporaneous Note‐Taking Shapes Memory for Conversation.Sarah Brown-Schmidt, Christopher B. Jaeger, Melissa J. Evans & Aaron S. Benjamin - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (4):e13271.
    Written memoranda of conversations, or memcons, provide a near‐contemporaneous record of what was said in conversation, and offer important insights into the activities of high‐profile individuals. We assess the impact of writing a memcon on memory for conversation. Pairs of participants engaged in conversation and were asked to recall the contents of that conversation 1 week later. One participant in each pair memorialized the content of the interaction in a memcon shortly after the conversation. Participants who generated memcons recalled more (...)
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  14.  23
    Aquinas On the Metaphysics of the Hypostatic Union. By Michael Gorman. [REVIEW]Andrew J. Jaeger - 2018 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 92 (2):391-394.
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    Lesion analysis of the brain areas involved in language comprehension.Nina F. Dronkers, David P. Wilkins, Robert D. Van Valin, Brenda B. Redfern & Jeri J. Jaeger - 2004 - Cognition 92 (1-2):145-177.
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  16. Widening Access to Applied Machine Learning With TinyML.Vijay Reddi, Brian Plancher, Susan Kennedy, Laurence Moroney, Pete Warden, Lara Suzuki, Anant Agarwal, Colby Banbury, Massimo Banzi, Matthew Bennett, Benjamin Brown, Sharad Chitlangia, Radhika Ghosal, Sarah Grafman, Rupert Jaeger, Srivatsan Krishnan, Maximilian Lam, Daniel Leiker, Cara Mann, Mark Mazumder, Dominic Pajak, Dhilan Ramaprasad, J. Evan Smith, Matthew Stewart & Dustin Tingley - 2022 - Harvard Data Science Review 4 (1).
    Broadening access to both computational and educational resources is crit- ical to diffusing machine learning (ML) innovation. However, today, most ML resources and experts are siloed in a few countries and organizations. In this article, we describe our pedagogical approach to increasing access to applied ML through a massive open online course (MOOC) on Tiny Machine Learning (TinyML). We suggest that TinyML, applied ML on resource-constrained embedded devices, is an attractive means to widen access because TinyML leverages low-cost and globally (...)
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  17.  23
    Aristotle: The Growth and Structure of his Thought. [REVIEW]J. R. J. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (4):756-757.
    Almost every aspect of Aristotle's philosophy is touched upon in this book. Part One deals with the intellectual development of Aristotle and repeats Jaeger's claim that Aristotle's thought was a continual process of development and not a static system of concepts. The "First Athenian Period" finds Aristotle as Plato's pupil. The "Period of Travel" embraces the formulation of his theory of causes and substance. The "Second Athenian Period" includes the work at the Lyceum and its contribution to systematic investigation. (...)
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  18.  42
    Assistive HCI-Serious Games Co-design Insights: The Case Study of i-PROGNOSIS Personalized Game Suite for Parkinson’s Disease.Sofia Balula Dias, José Alves Diniz, Evdokimos Konstantinidis, Theodore Savvidis, Vicky Zilidou, Panagiotis D. Bamidis, Athina Grammatikopoulou, Kosmas Dimitropoulos, Nikos Grammalidis, Hagen Jaeger, Michael Stadtschnitzer, Hugo Silva, Gonçalo Telo, Ioannis Ioakeimidis, George Ntakakis, Fotis Karayiannis, Estelle Huchet, Vera Hoermann, Konstantinos Filis, Elina Theodoropoulou, George Lyberopoulos, Konstantinos Kyritsis, Alexandros Papadopoulos, Anastasios Depoulos, Dhaval Trivedi, Ray K. Chaudhuri, Lisa Klingelhoefer, Heinz Reichmann, Sevasti Bostantzopoulou, Zoe Katsarou, Dimitrios Iakovakis, Stelios Hadjidimitriou, Vasileios Charisis, George Apostolidis & Leontios J. Hadjileontiadis - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:612835.
    Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and games set a new domain in understanding people’s motivations in gaming, behavioral implications of game play, game adaptation to player preferences and needs for increased engaging experiences in the context of HCI serious games (HCI-SGs). When the latter relate with people’s health status, they can become a part of their daily life as assistive health status monitoring/enhancement systems. Co-designing HCI-SGs can be seen as a combination of art and science that involves a meticulous collaborative process. The (...)
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  19. Book reviews : Le polytheisme hindou by Alain Danielou (paris, correa, 1960) pp. 597. Sources of indian tradition compiled by wm. Theodore de bary, st. N. hay, R. Weiler, A. Yarrow (new York, columbia university press, 1959) pp. XXVII + 962. (Records of civilization, sources and studies, lvi.) Tales of ancient india translated from the sanskrit by J. A. B. Van buitenen (chicago, the university of chicago press, 1959) pp. XI + 260. [REVIEW]Louis Renou & T. Jaeger - 1961 - Diogenes 9 (34):128-138.
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    The Ehrenfest Classification of Phase Transitions: Introduction and Evolution.Gregg Jaeger - 1998 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 53 (1):51-81.
    The first classification of general types of transition between phases of matter, introduced by Paul Ehrenfest in 1933, lies at a crossroads in the thermodynamical study of critical phenomena. It arose following the discovery in 1932 of a suprising new phase transition in liquid helium, the “lambda transition,” when W. H. Keesom and coworkers in Leiden, Holland observed a λhaped “jump” discontinuity in the curve giving the temperature dependence of the specific heat of helium at a critical value. This apparent (...)
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  21. Werner Jaeger, Paideia; The Ideals of Greek Culture. [REVIEW]J. M. Lloyd Thomas - 1945 - Hibbert Journal 44:190.
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    Paideia III Werner Jaeger: Paideia. The Ideals of Greek Culture, Vol. III. Translated from the German manuscript by Gilbert Highet. Pp. viii+374. Oxford: Blackwell, 1945. Cloth, 22s. 6d. net. [REVIEW]J. Tate - 1946 - The Classical Review 60 (03):123-125.
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    Werner Jaeger: Five Essays. Translated by Adele M. Fiske. With a Bibliography of Werner Jaeger prepared by Herbert Bloch. Pp. ix + 171. Montreal: Mario Casalini, 1966. Cloth, $7.50. [REVIEW]J. S. Morrison - 1971 - The Classical Review 21 (2):309-309.
  24. JAEGER, W. - The Theology of the Early Greek Philosophers. [REVIEW]D. J. Allan - 1949 - Mind 58:94.
  25.  79
    ‘Ocellus Lucanus:’ Text und Kommentar Harder von Richard. ( Neue Philologische Untersuchungen, Hrsg. v. Werner Jaeger, erstes Heft.) Pp. xxv + 160. Berlin: Weidmann, 1926. 9 M. [REVIEW]J. L. Stocks - 1927 - The Classical Review 41 (01):40-.
  26. (1 other version)Das Problem des Klassischen und die Antike, herausgegeben von Werner Jaeger[REVIEW]F. J. Brecht - 1933 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 38:178.
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    Der Marquis de la Taillade-Espinasse alias Prof. Dr. Gustav Jaeger: eine Süskind’sche InspirationThe Marquis de la Taillade-Espinasse alias Prof. Dr. Gustav Jaeger: A Süskindian inspiration. [REVIEW]Hans J. Rindisbacher - forthcoming - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte.
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    (1 other version)Aristotle: Fundamentals of the History of His Development. By Werner Jaeger. Translated by Richard Robinson. (Oxford: at the Clarendon Press. London: Humphrey Milford. 1934. Pp. 410. Price 18s.). [REVIEW]D. J. Allan - 1935 - Philosophy 10 (37):96-.
  29.  30
    Trattato sul cosmo per Alessandro. Traduzione con testo greco a fronte, introduzione, commento e indici. [REVIEW]J. B. H. - 1977 - Review of Metaphysics 30 (3):519-521.
    One’s first reaction on seeing this book might be to wonder why it is labelled "Aristotle" at all. The de Mundo has long been regarded as spurious, the work of a later Peripatetic, or even of the vaguely Stoicizing eclecticism which was already, in the later Hellenistic period, beginning to see Aristotle and Plato as the proponents of the same philosophy. There has, however, been no general agreement about where precisely in that framework it should be placed, and Reale, who (...)
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    Aristotle’s Metaphysics. [REVIEW]J. D. Bastable - 1956 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 6:242-243.
    Everyman’s Library commemorates its fiftieth anniversary very aptly with this issue as its thousandth volume of a classic text of some 2,300 years of age, which through varying fortunes has been a major influence in European culture. As a transcendental science Metaphysics makes no concession to the semi-curious; Aristotle’s inaugurating textbook is understandably concentrated and obscure. A literal version of this formidable text would have no appeal to the general reader, innocent largely of the Greek idiom and of philosophical jargon, (...)
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    Emending Aristotle's Division of Theoretical Sciences.John J. Cleary - 1994 - Review of Metaphysics 48 (1):33 - 70.
    MODERN ARISTOTELIAN SCHOLARSHIP is heavily indebted to the German scholars of the nineteenth century who produced the Berlin Academy editions of Aristotle's corpus and of his Greek commentators. The foundations for this massive project were laid around the middle of the century by people like Schwegler, who edited and commented on Aristotle's Metaphysics. Yet, while acknowledging our debt to such exemplary scholarship, I want to cast doubt on one of his proposed emendations to Metaphysics 6.1, which influenced later editors like (...)
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  32. The Gettier Problem and the Demands of Inquiry.J. J. Acero - 2009 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 28 (3).
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    Some aspects of scriptural quotation in Piers Plowman: Lady Holy Church.J. J. Anderson - 1995 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 77 (3):19-30.
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    Kritische studie: Een nieuw geluid in de nederlandse staatsleer.J. J. Bade & J. Zwart - 1985 - Philosophia Reformata 50 (2):149-156.
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    L'archetipo Π come origine del codice AB della Metafisica di Aristotele.Silvia Fazzo, Marco Ghione & Laura Folli - 2023 - Chôra 21:533-558.
    The article proposes a follow up contribution, possibly an almost final word, of our previous ones to the paleographical section of this journal – 2015 and 2022 especially but also 2018 – on the textual tradition of Aristotle’s Metaphysics. Based on Maas theory of Trennfehler, along the two latest decades, we collected and evaluated any possible counter arguments for the sake of a unified stemma codicum, topped by Π. We also add further details. As a result, Π is a fourth (...)
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    Marc. 1,14–15 en hun plaats in het geheel Van het Marcus-eVangelie.J. J. A. Kahmann - 1977 - Bijdragen 38 (1):84-98.
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    Multiple time scales in simple habituation.J. E. R. Staddon & J. J. Higa - 1996 - Psychological Review 103 (4):720-733.
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  38.  19
    Die blywende noodsaaklikheid van die beoefening van die algemene kerkgeskiedenis.J. J. Steenkamp - 1983 - HTS Theological Studies 39 (1).
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    God sorg en regeer: Die voorsienigheid van God in dogmatiese diskussie.J. J. Steenkamp - 1995 - HTS Theological Studies 51 (3).
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    'n Beoordeling van die toespraak van W. A. Visser 'T Hooft by die Mindolo-beraad te Kitwe, Zambië Mei-Junie 1964.J. J. Steenkamp - 1975 - HTS Theological Studies 31 (1/2).
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    Verwante en soortgelyke strominge langs die anabaptisme in die sestiende eeu.J. J. Steenkamp - 1976 - HTS Theological Studies 32 (1/2).
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    Deciding not to resuscitate in Dutch hospitals.J. J. Delden, P. J. Maas, L. Pijnenborg & C. W. Looman - 1993 - Journal of Medical Ethics 19 (4):200-205.
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  43. Nietzsche's View of the Aesthetic.J. J. Degenaar - 1985 - South African Journal of Philosophy 4 (2):39-47.
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  44. Sekularisasie.J. J. Degenaar - 1967 - Pretoria,: Academica.
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  45. Enigmatic ambiguity in the fourth paralogism of Kant's 'Kritik der reinen Vernunft'-A fine line between reality and effectivity.J. J. Delfour - 1997 - Kant Studien 88 (3):280-310.
  46.  25
    The Essential Grammar SchoolSecondary ModernComprehensive Education: A New Approach.J. J. B. Dempster, H. A. Ree, Harold Loukes & Robin Pedley - 1957 - British Journal of Educational Studies 5 (2):170.
  47.  16
    Cultural competency--the caregiver connection.J. J. Voigt - 2002 - Bioethics Forum 19 (1-2):17-23.
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    The origin and the concept of 'classique' in French art criticism.J. J. L. Whiteley - 1976 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 39 (1):268-275.
  49.  66
    Histria.J. J. Wilkes - 1975 - The Classical Review 25 (02):291-.
  50.  68
    The Older Sophists. A Complete Translation by Several Hands of the Fragments in "Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker" edited by Diels-Kranz with a New Edition of Antiphon and of Euthydemus. [REVIEW]F. B. C. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (4):767-767.
    Werner Jaeger once remarked that fifth-century sophistry is the one ancient intellectual movement that is readily comprehensible to a modern mind. In the light of this fact, it is all the more surprising that until the publication of the present volume there has been no complete English version of the sophist material collected in the standard edition of Diels-Kranz. Kathleen Freeman’s Ancilla to the Pre-Socratic Philosophers: A Complete Translation of the Fragments in Diels’ "Fragmente der Vorsokratiker" included some of (...)
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